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Recent Brand Updates

Visual Identity and Brand Review Updates

Updates to our visual identity system and brand review processes are designed to simplify options and increase ease-of-use for all campus communicators, including those with limited or no graphic design experience.

Zoom information sessions were held to review recent updates and address any questions. For those who were unable to attend, a recording of the presentation is available at the link below.

Tuesday, July 9 – 10:30 -11:30 am Recording

The Campus Creators Group was formed to foster collaboration, discuss design projects and brand updates/issues, share resources and provide support to one another.

Next Meeting:
Thursday, February 6, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Click the link below to join the Campus Creators Group and stay informed with meeting invitations and brand updates.

Sign up for Campus Creators Group

Brand Review Process

Proper use of Sacramento State’s visual brand continues to be encouraged in all communications, and University Marketing is available for brand consultations as needed.

See below for items that need to be reviewed, as well as items that need to meet visual guidelines but are no longer required to be reviewed. You can also reference a complete list here.

Items requiring Brand reviews:

  • Advertisements (paid or in-kind) for print, social media, digital, broadcast, outdoor, or direct mail
  • All graphics, marks, and materials developed as part of promotions and campaigns for high-priority University initiatives. These include, but are not limited to, enrollment initiatives, Black Honors College, Sacramento State Placer Center, Combat U
  • Highly visible magazines, newsletters, reports, or other publications (print or digital) representing Sacramento State that are delivered to non-campus audiences

Advance consultation and reviews are required for:

  • Highway 50 digital billboard, the Sac Connect digital sign network, and the banners over monument signs at the J Street entrance
  • Any new or modified vanity marks
  • Permanent exterior signs on or around buildings, such as a name of a building, donor signs, wayfaring monument signs, etc. Note: Temporary external signage will continue to be submitted through the Minor Design Change Committee (MDCC) for review and approval.
  • Policy, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and contract language related to the University’s brand and visual identity
  • Inclusion of Sacramento State logo and branding in third-party offerings, such as software platforms or other products used and presented as part of Sacramento State operations

Brand reviews are optional but not required:

Note: Unless identified as part of a high-priority University initiative such as those specified above, items below no longer require brand reviews.

  • Swag, apparel and uniforms, which includes promo items such as pens, mugs, displays and other such purchased items. Note: Items will still need to be reviewed and approved by the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) through University Enterprises, Inc. prior to receiving approval for payment from our Procurement team. See the updated process document here.
  • Collateral/brochures about departments, programs, projects, events (print or digital)
  • Flyers, posters, invitations (print, digital or for social media)
  • Newsletters/publications (print or digital) limited to campus audiences
  • Sponsored event or program materials that include a Sacramento State logo, but are not a Sac State event
  • Sacramento State web pages created outside the University’s content management system

If uncertain whether or not an item should be reviewed, please feel free to email us at

Retired Identity Elements - Do Not Use

Redefine the Possible is being officially retired, leaving space for a new slogan. (Stay tuned, more information and guidance on this to come soon!) Existing printed items that include Redefine the Possible may continue to be used for up to a year or until inventory is depleted, whichever comes first. However, the campus community is requested to stop using the phrase in any new printed or digital communications.

redefine the possible graphic

Several logo variations and graphic elements that are not used often or that are frequently misused. Existing printed items that include these items may continue to be used for up to a year or until inventory is depleted, whichever comes first. However, the campus community is requested to stop using them in any new printed or digital communications.

White-handled primary logos

white handled logo

Two-color primary logos

gold handled logo

Formal horizontal logotypes

formal horizontal logotype

Nickname logotypes

nickname logotype

Two-position integrated logos and logotypes

two position logotype

"Dot swarm" and "Rivers as a pattern" graphic elements

dot swarm rivers graphics

See a document with all of the visual identity elements being retired here.

Items On Pause

New one-position integrated logos are on hold until late Spring 2025. Due to demand and limited resources, new versions of integrated logos cannot be created at this time. The use of new modified logo lockup options is recommended for both swag and collateral. See examples here. Existing integrated logos may continue to be used.

New Templates & Resources

Templates, tools, and other resources will be posted here as they become available.

Modifiable Logo Lockups for Swag, Apparel and Uniforms

Modifiable Logo Lockups for Collateral

Coming Soon

  • Streamlined color palette and “voice” options, with the accent colors in the casual and standard voices pared down and merged. Colors and standards will be maintained for use in formal applications.
  • Simplified and more user-friendly identity style guide document, replacing the existing Brand Book.
  • Clarified expectations and processes for vanity marks, including detailed decision trees. Note: University Marketing should continue to be consulted prior to designing any new vanity marks.
  • New templates for general downloads and use, in partnership with University Print and Mail for printed items, and for other popular applications.
  • In-person and on-demand trainings.